Thursday, September 3, 2020

The True Meaning of Life Essays - Philosophy, Semantics, Free Essays

The True Meaning of Life Essays - Philosophy, Semantics, Free Essays The True Meaning of Life Hiral Patel November 19, 2014 PHI 100 ONLN3 Teacher Donald Knudsen Through the span of years, rationalists have contended about the genuine significance of life. Socrates and Plato accept that the importance of life is information. Then again, Epicurus accepts that the genuine significance of life is joy. Indeed, even we as people have various perspectives and convictions on the importance of life. A few people find that the American Dream is the genuine significance of life. Others concur with Socrates and Plato and accept that instruction and information are the keys. A few people simply characterize their implications by they culture. They utilize their customs and family convictions to shape the significance of their lives. Once in a while, what individuals do for the duration of the day helps shape their life. Purchasing a house, moving for better occupations, deciding to and not to consider, all play parts in offering importance to life. Be that as it may, what is the genuine significance of human life? The genuine significance of human life d epends on culture and day by day exercises. The significance of life alludes to the significance and the motivation behind life. Remembering these two conspicuous words, life is the real condition of being alive. The importance of life can be identified with religion and culture. Experiencing childhood in social orders where families are given more significance shows the people in the future that family is the importance of life. In different societies, autonomy is given more significance and the people in the future grow up to accept that freedom and opportunity are the implications to their life. In India, for instance, family and conventions is given more significance than everything else. I have grown up to accept that my family and my way of life precede whatever else. They precede my companions and before my work. In the event that I lose what characterizes me as a person, at that point I will lose my actual significance of life. I have grown up to accept that my way of life assumes a primary job and chooses what my life is. I am simply a manikin who needs to follow my social convictions and spotlight my life on that as it were. Truly, I can get instructed, find a new line of work, educate and do anything I desire. In any case, I despite everything need to give my family and conventions regard and significance. So also, all societies convey their own convictions that assume jobs in characterizing the lives of numerous people. The genuine significance of life doesn't lie behind books expanding our insight. It doesn't lie behind sacred books imploring and ruminating throughout the day. Truth be told, the genuine importance of life is human encounters. Individuals take part in various exercises for an incredible duration. A few people volunteer to support the poor, some play sports, others peruse and compose. There are likewise rare sorts of people who simply need to construct their own family. These exercises and choices are what decide the meaning of life for individuals. The genuine importance of life resembles a mirror, gazing directly back at individuals. It encompasses them as they go to work, as they study, as they approach doing their errands. On the off chance that the mirror breaks, they are breaking their life. Their life has no significance and isn't loaded up with expectation or dreams. All things considered, their life is good for nothing. Hence, their life is their mirror. In spite of the fact that there is no otherworldly importance of life, individuals do accept that their day by day life shapes the genuine significance of their life. The genuine importance of life is self-characterized. Individuals themselves characterize and offer significance to their life instead of rationalists or reasoning. Savants and reasoning simply assist individuals with finding their actual importance of life by opening them to various ideas and various types of reasoning. A few people's lives are formed around their families and their societies. Their families and societies precede whatever else. This is the thing that they grow up to think and in this way this is the thing that their implications of life are. Then again, progressively autonomous and freethinking individuals do in their every day schedules is the thing that shapes their life. Some offer significance to their work and are compulsive workers while others are more into their family obligations. There isn't only one significance to life. The significance of life depends on self-assurance

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Definitions and examples of double plurals in English

Definitions and instances of twofold plurals in English A twofold plural is theâ plural type of a thing with an extra plural completion (generally - s) connected -  for model, candelabras (solitary, candlestick; plural, candelabra) or sixpences (particular, penny; plural, pence). What's more, the term twofold plural is once in a while used to allude to a thing with two plurals that vary in significance, for example, siblings and brethren (plurals of sibling). Models and Observations: In the light of the discussion between natural promoters and oil businesses, the state authorities found that the flooding had additionally discharged different microscopic organisms that represent a genuine wellbeing threat.(Colorado Flooding Exposes Huge Environmental Damage. Computerized Journal, September 28, 2013)Bacteria is the Latin plural structure [of bacterium]. In formal and logical composition, it is constantly treated as plural and utilized with a plural action word: These microorganisms are unmistakably obvious when stained.In ordinary English, microscopic organisms is likewise utilized as a solitary thing meaning a strain of microbes: They said it was a microscopic organisms, not an infection. This particular use has created a twofold plural: microscopic organisms. Microbes, which means strains of microscopic organisms, is genuinely basic in news-casting, however not appropriate for specialized or formal writing.(Margery Fee and Janice McAlpine, Guide to Canadian Engli sh Usage, second ed. Oxford University Press, 2007)Paparazzi(s)Back through the framework with the rabble again Fiends on the floor scratching again Paparazzis with their cameras snapping them...(Jay-Z, 99 Problems. The Black Album, 2004)paparazzi (picture takers who follow superstars, regularly forcefully, in order to snap authentic photographs) is a plural; paparazzo is the particular. Initially Italian -  invented for Frederico Fellinis film La Dolce Vita (1960) -  the term originally surfaced in English in the mid-1960s. Tragically, on the grounds that the particular structure is so uncommon, a few authors have started utilizing the illegitimate twofold plural *paparazzis...(Bryan Garner, Garners Modern American Usage. Oxford University Press, 2009) From Old English to Modern English Present day English breeches is a twofold plural (OE nominative particular broc pant, nominative plural brec), as is ... kine (OE nominative solitary cu cow, nominative plural cy with the expansion of the plural - n from words like bulls). (John Algeo, The Origins and Development of the English Language, sixth ed. Wadsworth, 2010)OE cildru youngsters had a place with an exceptionally little minor class of fix things having a plural in - ru; the/r/has made due in PDE [present-day English], however an extra frail - n plural has been included, giving PDE kids a twofold plural. (Celia M. Millward and Mary Hayes, A Biography of the English Language, third ed. Wadsworth, 2012) Kate Burridge on Double Plurals Once in a while, individuals utilizing episode in the plural give it a twofold pluralâ - incidentses. Occurrences doesnt sound plural enough -  just as quince (in 1300s one coyn and numerous coyns) didnt for early English speakers (Quinces is verifiably a twofold plural). (Kate Burridge, Gift of the Gob: Morsels of English Language History. HarperCollins Australia, 2011)They halted and shaped a half circle around the mouthpiece. Wherever there is an emergency, they sang together. Each time they toss the dices.(Richard Lockridge, Murder Roundabout, 1966)This same procedure is as of now influencing the word dice. Bones was customarily the plural of pass on little 3D square with six appearances, however is currently being rethought as solitary. For this situation weve additionally got a split occurring. In expert settings bite the dust is as yet being utilized as a particular thing for metal stamp for instituting. The bones utilized in gaming has another reformulated plural, actual ly a twofold plural, dices (however a few speakers despite everything use dice as plural) ... At the point when speakers dont feel words to be sufficiently plural, they include another plural marker for good measure.(Kate Burridge, Blooming English: Observations on the Roots, Cultivation and Hybrids of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2004) Twofold Plurals in Irish English Both [Terence Patrick] Dolan [in A Dictionary of Hiberno-English, 2006] and [Jiro] Taniguchi [in A Grammatical Analysis of Artistic Representation of Irish English, 1972] ... cause to notice twofold plural structures (or what Taniguchi calls indecent structures) which additionally infrequently show up in Irish English. These include the expansion of/É™z/to existing plurals which end in - s. Dolan offers the instances of bellowses for roars and galluses for gallus, an out of date type of the word hangman's tree significance supports. Taniguchi, then again, refers to newses as a plural for news (1972: 10). While I have not experienced the last structure, I have as often as possible heard different structures, for example, pantses and knickerses. Additionally, the film corpus shows the structures chipses and barrackses.(Shane Walshe, Irish English as Represented in Film. Diss., Peter Lang GmbH, 2009)My mother utilized consistently to chuckle since when they met Mrs. Hogan used to s tate any newses and gaze toward her, with that wild gaze, opening her mouth to show the large holes between her front teeth, however the newses had finally gone to her own entryway, and however she more likely than not disapproved awfully she appeared to be vexed more than embarrassed, as though it was bother as opposed to disfavor that had hit her.(Edna OBrien, A Scandalous Woman. Stories by Contemporary Irish Women, ed. by Daniel J. Casey and Linda M. Casey. Syracuse University Press, 1990) Twofold Plurals in Russian Anglicisms When all is said in done, words will in general be obtained as unanalysed wholes, their inward structure being hazy to the borrower. Russian speakers are in this way frequently not mindful of the importance of the English plural morpheme - s; this can prompt twofold plural checking through the expansion of a Russian articulation to an English plural; as in pampersy, dzhinsy, chipsy. (Tamara Maximova, Russian. English in Europe, ed. by Manfred Gã ¶rlach. Oxford University Press, 2002)

Friday, August 21, 2020

Social Justice Example

Social Justice Example Social Justice †Coursework Example Social Justice Living in social condition has consistently been viewed as one of the most significant essentials for the improvement of the inward capability of an individual. Notwithstanding, there are likewise cases when one gathering can practice its impact over another and command in all the territories of public activity. A genuine model is colonization. This paper will examine the idea of social equity with respect to indigenous individuals and the individuals who vanquished them. Speaking of the previous, one may recommend that equity might be showed through conceding them a lot of opportunity in different undertakings. For instance, it would be worthwhile if â€Å"indigenous individuals, as a particular type of practicing their entitlement to self assurance, reserve the privilege to independence or self government† (Churchill, 2003, 424). Thusly they will have the option to safeguard their conventional methods of life. As for the individuals who command the public acti vity on their domains, one should take note of that these heros should practice their forces inside a characterized system, so their standard would not be tyrannical. In fact, for this situation social equity will come as laws that the two gatherings will carefully go along with. So, the circumstance of overcoming place where there is indigenous individuals definitely mutilates the social equity, however it might be reestablished in the accompanying manner: for aboriginals †in type of allowing self government; for vanquishes †in type of setting just laws that they would agree to so their standard will be reasonable and not oppressing.ReferencesChurchill, W. (2003). Corruptions of equity: indigenous people groups and Anglo-American law. San Francisco: City Lights Books.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Okonkwo Is Viewed - Free Essay Example

In the novel Things Fall Apart composed by Chinua Achebe, a Nigerian essayist, the fundamental character is Okonkwo, an individual who is viewed as an innovator in the African culture. He is a wrestling champion in Umuofia which is situated in Nigeria and occupied by the Igbo (The Norton Anthology of Western Literature 2391).The real objective of the writer is to speak to the principle characters family and individual history, to examine the traditions and customs of the Igbo, and to give careful consideration to the job of British expansionism and various Christian evangelists in the African people group amid the late nineteenth century. The primary character Okonkwo is depicted by the creator as a genuine grievous saint since he has every one of Aristotles attributes of a heartbreaking legend. Most importantly, Okonkwo is viewed as a hero in the novel. He is a valiant and tough man. Besides, he is a presumptuous warrior who can be viewed as a man of honorable stature what corresponds with Aristotles attributes. Also, Okonkwos inordinate pride makes him encounter various deplorable defects all through the novel Things Fall Apart, which at last lead to his unfortunate passing. It implies that he is a decent character, yet not impeccable, and his fall is the consequence of his acts of injustice. It is realized that Okonkwo utilizes his viciousness towards numerous individuals in the network, including his relatives, the executing of Ikemefuna and beheading the District Commissioner. Thirdly, the principle characters downfall can be viewed as his very own blame. It is the aftereffect of his free decision. Okonkwo is hard with his relatives, including his child Nwoye, his spouses. Okonkwo does not demonstrate his internal sentiments and feelings. Also, he is restless with other individuals who are powerless and troubled. Okonkwo has negative connection to ladies whom he thinks about the mens ownership. He calls one of the men at the network meeting a lady saying, this meeting is for men. He even shoots at one of his spouses, however he misses. Fourthly, it is conceivable to presume that the primary characters mishap does not entirely merit the discipline, in light of the fact that Okonkwo has positive connection to Ikemefuna, the kid that was not his common child, but rather who adores Okonkwo as though he is his dad. Be that as it may, he slaughters this kid. He likewise slaughters Ezeudus child amid the burial service function. The clan settles on a choice to reject Okonkwo from the clan for a long time. Fifthly, the sad fall of the fundamental character results in the heros passing. This is one of Aristotles attributes of an unfortunate saint. Okonkwo murders himself since he comprehends that his clan is against him. Sixthly, the novel stirs serious feelings and pity, as Okonkwo slaughters numerous individuals and afterward submits suicide, yet the novel does not leave the crowd in the condition of misery. This scholarly work makes the gathering of people to encounter purification (The Norton Anthology of Western Literature 2392). To whole up, the primary character in the novel Things Fall Apart can be viewed as an unfortunate legend since his qualities harmonize with Aristotles attributes of an appalling saint.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Biology Study Guide - 477 Words

Biology Qs 2 (a) (i) A = HUMAN LIVER (ii) B = HUMAN RED BLOOD CELLS (iii) C = MOSQUITO INTESTINE (iv) D = MOSQUITO SALIVARY GLAND 2 (b) Adult flatworm releases egg: INSIDE HUMAN HOST Egg hatches to become miracidium larva: FREE LIVING IN FRESH WATER Miracidium larva becomes a cercaria larva: INSIDE SNAIL HOST Cercaria larva develops into an adult flatworm: INSIDE HUMAN HOST 2 (c) The plasmodium parasite would be most susceptible to human antibodies between the moment of initial infection and the arrival of the larvae in the liver, as it travels through the bloodstream in the form of sporozytes. Here the parasite is fully exposed, not ensconced in liver cells or red blood cells as during later phases of its development. Though the lower numbers of parasites at this stage would trigger less of an antibody response, this lower plasmodium population would also be more effectively countered by the human bodys natural defenses. 2 (d) i. 1. Multiple or even hermaphroditic reproductive organs to increase reproductive chances 2. Morphological flattening to ease remaining on/travelling in a host organism ii. Plasmodium: 1. The ability to seek out the human liver, which might provide essential fatty acids the plasmodium parasite cannot produce on its own, is one important adaptation of this organism. 2. The sporozyte phase of the plasmodium life cycle, which provides a great deal of morphological (i.e. directly physical and not necessarily chemical) protection forShow MoreRelatedBiology of Cancer Study Guide1184 Words   |  5 PagesCancer Biology Section 1 Study questions What is lifetime risk of getting cancer for men and women in US? Male-1:2 Female-1:3 Which cancer are men mostly likely to get in the US? Women? Male-Prostate Female-Breast Which cancers are the most deadly and least deadly (US)? 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Report on Human Computer Interaction

Question: Describe about the report of online e-commerce website of Oz Attitude Clothing? Answer: Introduction The report is upon the Oz Attitude Clothing profile client scenario. The report is showing the complete information about proposed online e-commerce website of Oz Attitude Clothing profile. The report is showing the best suitable e-commerce business model for Oz Attitude Clothing and describing other e-commerce business models also. There are so many advantages of mobile app, which are also being described in the report. There are so many advantages of e-commerce solution and the proposed website features are being defined in the report. Proposed website design and storyboard are getting shown in the report. The complete project analysis is described in this report. By studying this report, a person can easily understand the complete scenario and proposed solution of Oz Attitude Clothings online business. Analysis and Prototype Development The client scenario chosen by me is Oz Attitude Clothing profile. The Oz Attitude Clothing works in clothing business and it is demand of time to go into online business. That is why to set up online business is very necessary. There are so many e-commerce models which should be analysed before starting work on online business. Following e-commerce models can be applied on Oz Attitude Clothing e-commerce business- Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), Consumer to Consumer (C2C), Social E-commerce, Mobile E-commerce and Local E-commerce. Business to Business (B2B) E-Commerce Model Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce model is a commerce transaction model which is used in the transactions which occurs between business and business not between business and consumers e.g. a supply chain of automobiles between different companies. It is the best place where business can grow up to the high extent. Both sellers and buyers are manufacturers not a single customer. Business to Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce Model Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce model is a commerce transaction model which is used in the transactions which occurs between business and consumers e.g. a website which directly sale the products to single customer. A company directly interact with customers on this platform. It is the best place where online business can grow up to the high extent. There are so many website which follow this model like Garment industry mostly follows up this e-commerce model. Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce model works as follows- It is the place where all brand companies can sale their products. It is the best shared platform for companies and consumers as well. Consumer to Consumer (C2C) E-Commerce Model Consumer to Consumer (C2C) e-commerce model is a commerce transaction model which is used in the transactions which occurs between consumers not between business and consumers like Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce model. The best example of Consumer to Consumer (C2C) e-commerce model is In this model users give advertisements to sale their products and other users buy those products. The website owner gets benefit by taking commissions from users who use the services of website. It is the best market to grow the website earnings very rapidly. Consumer to Consumer (C2C) e-commerce model works as follows- A customer is giving advertisements on the website to sale its products and another customer is buying the same product. This is the Consumer to Consumer (C2C) e-commerce model. Social E-Commerce Model Social e-commerce model is also an e-commerce model but it is the small e-commerce model. It is like the subset of e-commerce model. There are most of the websites which follow up this Social e-commerce model. The best use of this models is that users get good customer care services. is the best high demand website which follows up this model. Websites which follows up this Social e-commerce model, install widgets of social networking site e.g. the website has installed Facebook widget by which users take reviews for their selected products and it is the most popular feature now a day. Mobile E-Commerce Mobile e-commerce model is also an e-commerce model just like all e-commerce models which are described above but the difference is that Mobile e-commerce model helps to make the website which can run on mobile and wireless devices also. All models, Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), Consumer to Consumer (C2C) and Social E-commerce models can work on mobile e-commerce websites. In all the above models, Business to Consumer (B2C) model is the best model for Oz Attitude Clothing. Oz Attitude Clothing works in garment industry. Business to Consumer (B2C) model is best for Oz Attitude Clothing because it works for business and consumers. It is best for the company and its customers which is the requirement of Oz Attitude Clothing. Therefore, Business to Consumer (B2C) model is the best model for Oz Attitude Clothing. (Laudon, K. C. Traver) Competitors of Oz Attitude Clothing There are so many companies which are working in the garment area and they have already a very good reputation in online market. Some of the websites which are very famous now a day are, etc. Therefore, Oz Attitude Clothing has to work hard to compete others in online industry. Advantage and Challenges for Online Global Design Online business helps Oz Attitude Clothing to fulfil all the objectives of the business in the following ways- Market Share Market share is increased by the online business because it helps to increase the business area throughout the world. Maximize Sales Online business helps in maximizing the sale of the Oz Attitude Clothing. Customer can access the website of the Oz Attitude Clothing from anywhere. In this way, it is very helpful in maximizing the sale of the Oz Attitude Clothing. Growth The growth of the Oz Attitude Clothing will increase very rapidly by the online business. Customer Satisfaction By online business, Oz Attitude Clothing can serve the consumers on the whole day and that is the reason; the business is focusing on the customer satisfaction more in comparison to production and profit and if the consumer is satisfied, the production and profit will be increased automatically. The global internet consumers are growing rapidly and the range of the internet consumers is very high in comparison to the traditional non internet consumers. The growing range of the consumers demand very high quality of service and this is the main goal of the online business. There are some challenges also in making online business. Some of them are following- Human Factor The human factor also contributes more in the trends and developments of the online business. The human factor is the main factor in the development of online business. The human works on the web development create the websites and it is the human only who use the online websites. Security Factor There are so many threats which may affect the computers and may damage the software, hardware of the computer systems. Every threat has different kind of features like some threat only harm the files in the computer systems but some may harm the havoc of the computer system. So the threat is very dangerous for any organization because it may loss the very important data of the organization. It may be very dangerous sometimes. Target Audience The target audience of Oz Attitude Clothing is users which buy the products from Oz Attitude Clothing. There may be people of all age. Oz Attitude Clothing will sale all category products and people will buy from their by using online transactions. Project Team Online business is a very tedious job. There should be proper knowledge of e-commerce model, technology etc. to start a successful online business. Oz Attitude Clothing is a very big firm which sale a different category products. There are two options to make online business- By house staff Outsource from outside consultancy The estimated project team and cost of the project is as follows- Category Cost Hiring System Analyst $500 onetime cost Hiring website designer and developers $500 onetime cost Equipment and setup $200 to $300 onetime cost Hosting and Website setup $100 per year Digital marketing specialist $100 per month Salary of System Analyst, website designer and developers $5000 per month Website and Mobile App Design Following images are showing the website design. The same design will work on desktop and mobile devices. Home page screen of website is as follows- Category Item Page screen of website is as follows- Checkout Page screen of website is as follows- Final Page screen of website is as follows- Website and Mobile App Storyboard Functional Specification of User Interface Oz Attitude Clothing website will contain following design features which are very necessary to make the best online marketing website- Good Interface Design Features The interface of Oz Attitude Clothing website has so many good features which are described below- Clarity Clarity is the most important feature of any website. If the site is working very good but the options and way is not clear to the user, then it is useless. The interface of any website should be very clear. There should be no ambiguity of any keyword or path in the website and the interface of Oz Attitude Clothing website is very clear and satisfying the above defined criteria. All options are very clear. Every new heading is highly prominent and clearly visible in the website. (Argon Design 2014) Good Responsive Good response is the most important and valuable feature of any website. If the site is working good but frustrating the user as there is not good response of the website. The user is clicking again and again but the website is not responding, in that case there is no use of the website. The user will not come again on the website but the interface of Oz Attitude Clothing website is very responsive and showing the complete detail of the information whatever is being searched on the website. Familiar The website should be familiar to the user like if the user comes on website, then it should be familiar to the user. There are some designs which will be seen on so many website. There is nothing which is not seen by the user first time; basically it is the familiarity in case of website. The interface of Oz Attitude Clothing website is very familiar. (Dmitry Fadeyev 2009) Navigation The navigation of the Oz Attitude Clothing website is good because the website is not so much overloaded with content. There is less content and it is very easy for the users to navigate on the site and menus of the website are clear. User can go through the menus anywhere in the website. Colour Schemes The colour scheme of Oz Attitude Clothing website is good. The entire website is containing the good colour scheme which is attractive. Hyperlinks Hyperlinks are working fine in the Oz Attitude Clothing website. The entire website is containing so many hyperlinks like menus etc. All headings and menus are going to right place. Users can move from one page to another by using menus. Consistency of Information The website is very consistent. It is containing some features on all the pages of the website like website logo is available on all the pages. Laceytech Solutions (n.d.) Issues in Online Business There are so many legal and ethics issues which should be considered before starting online business. Following legal and ethics issues should be definitely used in online business- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Intellectual Property Email Correspondence Copy Rights Survey Scams Online Transaction Security Domain Name Scams and Registration Issues Privacy Policy Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Optimization is very useful for online business. There should be proper search engine optimization in the website to make best online business. Search Engine Optimization makes the website on top in the browser so that more users can access the website. Search Engine Optimization implemented by using so many factors like website content, images, keywords, Meta tags etc. All should be unique for best Search Engine Optimization. Intellectual Property Intellectual Property is the major issue in online business. Everything on the website about the product or company should be factual. There should be high degree trust between users and website owner and business owner. Every person connected with the website should have trust and faith upon each other. Email Correspondence Email Correspondence is also one of the major issues in online business. In online transaction or order, there are so many email messages sent by the business owner or website owner. Sometimes users get passwords through emails. Therefore, there should be high degree privacy and confidentiality in email servers. Copy Rights Copyright is the major crime now a day. Most people copy the content of the website or URL to mislead users. Survey Scams There are so many survey scams now a day. People take survey and took important data from users and can misuse that. They offer money to take survey but most of the time that is fraud. Online Transaction Security Online Transaction Security is one of the major issues in online business. The transaction system should be very safe and secure. It is the most critical part in the online business. There should be proper firewall and proper authentication on the online transaction. There are so many threats which stole the important data of users and misuse that. There should be proper security to escape from such type of threats. Domain Name Scams and Registration Issues The domain name of the website should be registered and verified. There are so many scams now a day where people stole the URL of others or take similar URL and misguide to users. Therefore the URL should be unique and different. Privacy Policy Every company has some policy and that should be obeyed by all website users. There should be proper link of privacy policy on the website and each user should be asked to read the privacy policy before start work on the website. Design Approach in Oz Attitude Clothing Website The structured approach is very urgent in the design of the e-Commerce solution. If we follow the structured approach, the design of the e-Commerce solution will be perfect. These are the following main steps of the structured approach uses to create the design of the e-Commerce solution 1. Research and Analysis on the Market and Competitors The research on the market and competitors should be done first before making the e-Commerce solution. In this the competitors strategy should be analysed very carefully to compete the competitors and to increase the business in the market. The competitors websites should be analysed and the scale of the competitors websites and business should also be analysed very carefully. And the websites related to our business should be analysed and the keywords used by the customers related to our e-Commerce solution should be understand clearly to get the top rank in the internet market. 2. Evaluate the Business Process of the e-Commerce Solution The business process of the e-Commerce Solution should be evaluated very carefully, to compete the competitors in the internet world. Following things should be kept in mind while evaluating the business process The strategy of the quality and the price of the products evaluate carefully. Evaluate the product information. Like discounts, category of the products etc. Evaluate the inventory system management of the business process, sales order process of the business. Account system should be clearly understood in mind before starting the e-Commerce Solution. 3. Planning, Designing and Development of the e-Commerce Solution The Planning, Designing and Development of the e-Commerce Solution should be evaluated very carefully, to defeat the competitors in the internet world. Following things should be kept in mind while Planning, Designing and Development the e-Commerce Solution The features and the design of the websites should decide very clearly by analysing another competitors websites and by analysing the market requirements. Decide the best model to create the best e-Commerce solution within the time period and with the limited number of resources. Allocate the proper best resources, time frame and the budget to complete the e-Commerce solution. Now start implementation of the e-Commerce solution and done in the decided time frame. Now configure the e-Commerce solution after implementation. Now integrate the payment systems for the e-Commerce solution. Now host the web site on the proper web hosting server of the best reliable web hosting company. (Vinsign 2005) 4. Marketing the e-Commerce Solution Now start marketing the e-Commerce solution to compete the competitors in the internet world. Following things should be kept while marketing the e-Commerce Solution- Add the Google feeds, shopping feeds etc. on the website. Add search engine optimization (SEO) keywords to get the high rank in the internet search. Add another high target websites advertisement on the website to get the internet traffic on the website. Use the pay per click agents on the website to get the high internet traffic on the website. 5. Enhancement of the Website The enhancement of the website should be done on regular basis. Following things can be done under the enhancement of the website Create the admin part of the website to give the proper functionality to the website and to add the proper data in the proper manner on the website. Create the monthly reports of the products of the website. Advantages of Mobile App The mobile app is affecting more on the low level and high level business also. The business level is increasing very rapidly because of the mobile app. The business is increasing with very ease and comfort, because the internet gives a big space to the business and it is not easy to increase the business in the world wide using the traditional manner. By implementing the good design approach in making the mobile app solution, we can defeat the competitors in the internet world. The customers can find the best product very easily on their cell phone without using desktop. It is very easy to use and mostly people prefer this because of its comfort zone. By analysing these things, the mobile app is the best option to increase the business world-wide. Mobile app is also increasing the business in very less time period. That is not possible in the traditional business option. The mobile saves the time and cost of the product delivery also. There are no courier charges in the delivery of products, if we download any application or app on our cell phone. So we can give the discounts on downloading products. This is the best way to attract the customers. In this way the best design of the mobile app can increase the business in a very vast area and reduces the cost of the man power resources. The mobile app is basically the trading business via the internet. In the recent few years, mobile app is growing in the international market. There are some sites that are very popular for their mobile apps. Conclusion The report is giving the complete and full detail about the proposed online business of Oz Attitude Clothing. Every aspect related to Oz Attitude Clothing is clearly visible in the report. Now it is the time for Oz Attitude Clothing to take a big step towards the internet market. There are more than 50 per cent people who buy online. That is why it is the need of time to start work on online business and to enhance the productivity and growth of the company. Online business is very beneficial in the time essential fields. That is the reason that e-Commerce plays a very big role in the Garment Industry. The e-Commerce is very cost effective system. It saves the cost of the middle person that is hired in the traditional business to deliver the products at the customer end or the sales person that is hired in the traditional business to display the products of the organization. E.g. in the shopping e-Commerce website, there is no need of the middle person to display the products and there is no need of the middle person to deliver the products at the customer end. The e-Commerce solution is affecting more on the low level and high level business also. The business level is increasing very rapidly because of the e-Commerce. The business is increasing with very ease and comfort, because the internet gives a big space to the business and it is not easy to increase the business in the world wide using the traditional manner. By implementing the good design approach in making the e-Commerce solution, we can defeat the competitors in the internet world. The customers can find the best product very easily. By analysing these things, the e-Commerce is the best option to increase the business world-wide. But there are some disadvantages of the e-Commerce also. There is very tough competition on the internet because in the traditional business, there is competition only in the local shops while in the e-Commerce the competition is world-wide References [1] Argon Design 2014, 5 Aspects of good user interface, Viewed on 20 Dec 2014 [2] Dmitry Fadeyev 2009, 8 Characteristics of Successful User Interface, Viewed on 20 Dec 2014 [3] Laceytech Solutions (n.d.), Why is Consistency Important in Web Design, Viewed on 20 Dec 2014 [4] Vinsign 2005, What is E-Commerce and Importance of E-Commerce, Viewed on 8 Nov 2012 [5] Laudon, K. C. Traver, C. G., 2013. E-commerce 2013. s.l.:Pearson.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Daily Life Essay Topics

Daily Life Essay TopicsIf you are an English language major, it is likely that you will be involved in some form of research and writing while in college, but perhaps you would like to think about writing a Daily Life Essay. As long as you can speak coherently, read and write at a level above the average college student, and can express yourself with good grammar, then the Daily Life Essay is a good way to express your thoughts and ideas.What kind of topic for your Daily Life Essay? You can write about anything that has to do with your daily life. The idea is to get as much out of the essay as possible by letting the reader see your personality through your words.A Daily Life Essay should not focus on any one subject or topic for too long. It should be short and to the point. Think of it as your preface.Your first sentence should be one that jumps out at the reader. Your readers should have no trouble at all figuring out what you are talking about. It should also be grammatically cor rect, but if you are unsure, please refer to a dictionary. Use your common sense to tell if something is wrong.Another common question that I hear from students is, 'How can I improve my Daily Life Essay?' The answer is simple: be sure to include ALL of your daily activities. This will increase the chance that the essay is well-written and informative. Include all of the important things that make up your daily life.If possible, write down things that you have forgotten about and never think about again while you are going through your daily life. What are your favorite foods? What are your favorite activities?Take a look at the things that are most important things to you and record them. What are the most important aspects of your daily life?Remember that a Daily Life Essay is a means to an end. It is not necessarily about a single topic area.